क्या जो किसान नहीं हैं वे खेती के लिए ज़मीन ले सकते हैं? जानिए क्या है खेती के लिए जमीन खरीदने का नियम

कृषि समाचार: यदि कोई व्यक्ति खेती करना चाहता है या कृषि भूमि खरीदना चाहता है ल...

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This article uses drip irrigation to illustrate the evolution of process innovationsduring their diffusion—undergoing several waves of improvements and coevolution with otherproduction practices in order to move across applications and locations over time. First weintegrate multiple data sources to trace the rich history of drip in California. We find that drip’sevolution has been consistent with 1) the threshold model, which emphasizes the tendency tofirst adopt a technology at locations where it is most valuable and 2) the real option value model,which suggests that crisis situations trigger major transitions. We highlight the role of the privateand public sector in adapting process innovations to local needs and show the necessity ofhistorical analysis and perspective in assessing a technology’s impacts. Second, we empiricallyinvestigate the productivity impacts of drip irrigation in California, focusing on changes in cropyields and farm income. We estimate a yield effect of drip ranging from 16-48%, depending onthe crop and location, and an increase in farm income between 2.6-7.4% annually. On whole, weshow that the diffusion of drip was gradual, Cooperative Extension was essential, and the gainsfor California agriculture were substantial

Innovation, adoption, and diffusion have long been studied as important determ...

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બાગાયતી ખેતી કરતા ગુજરાતના ખેડૂતો માટે આવી ગઈ યોજના! જાણો કેવી રીતે મળશે લાભ?

ગુજરાતના ખેડૂતો સમય જતાં ખેતીમાં અનેક નવા જુની કરતા હોય છે. રાજ્યમાં બાગાયતી ખ...

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